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Is Your Business’s Website Secure?

Written by Admin | Feb 4, 2022 1:15:00 PM

Understanding how secure your website and company data is, is an essential touch point in any business. While it’s relatively simple to build a website for your business, building one that secures your company’s financial and user data, is not so straightforward. Over the past few years,  content management systems like WordPress and Laravel have become very popular.

However, hackers are now taking advantage of these template-driven platforms by hacking into the backend and stealing user data from unaware business owners. Making it essential that business owners secure their sites and put additional security measures in place. So here are some important touch points to consider whether your website and data remain secure from these threats.

Is your site hosted on a secure server that has a valid SSL certificate?

Any site that collects private info from its users needs HTTP, or hypertext transfer protocol secure, which protects your site from data interception. The SSL will also then encrypt data so that it can’t be easily breached.

Does your website have complicated passwords?

It is essential that all users who have access to your website’s back-end use complex passwords for account sign-in. This should include a combination of uppercase, lowercase and special characters and must be a requirement for sign-in. 

Does your website have a firewall?

The benefit of a firewall is that you can automatically block any duplicate IPs (Internet Protocol addresses). This will stop hackers and spammers from being able to register many accounts from the same device. 

Does your site have custom coding?

Custom-coded design is preferable to template-based platforms because the latter are more predictable and, therefore, more vulnerable to hacking. 

Are your plug-ins up to date?

Software and plug-ins need to be updated regularly in order to ensure your security is up to date as well.

Are you protected from Malware?

It is important to ensure that your PC, network and website are secured against malware interference. Malware can cause enormous damage to your data and can silently infiltrate your devices and backend. Implementing a firewall, and getting software security and anti-spam software will all secure your device and website. 

Is your wireless network secure?

Wireless networks are a playground for hackers who can very easily intercept password protection. However, by strengthening your router with strong encryption you can secure your business. Also, turn off your broadcast function so your network is not visible. Technically a hacker can’t hack what they don’t see.

Has old data been disposed of properly?

Old and redundant digital data needs to be appropriately disposed of. This means that all old storage should have its contents scrubbed so that private data isn’t retrieved at a future time. Reinstalling your operating system, and deleting and reformatting your hard drive is not enough because data can always be retrieved with simple tools. Rather, your IT professional needs to overwrite your data many times so that it can never be recovered. 

The bottom line

While a DIY website feels like a simple choice for a busy business owner, skimping here can have serious consequences down the line. A cyber breach of your website can impact your entire business resulting in downtime and huge expenses. As there is no quick fix for securing your website and company data, your website and company security needs to be implemented in layers. While this may feel like a pricey endeavour, not doing it has much pricier consequences. Remember that a Merchant Capital Cash Advance offers funding in less than 48 hours and can bolster your efforts to safeguard your website, so for more information, contact Merchant Capital today.