Money Intro

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Saving for Your Retirement

Planning early for retirement is essential to retire comfortably, we have listed a few different options for you to consider to help you make an informed decision.

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Good Debt, Bad Debt 

Most of us perceive debt as a bad thing, but surprisingly, not all debt is bad. 
So, what exactly is the difference between good and bad debt?

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Investing in Your Future

Whether you're at the onset of your career journey or a seasoned professional, now is always the opportune moment to consider investing.


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The Ultimate Guide To Saving

In recent years, we have learned that life can be unpredictable, and it is important to be prepared for any financial challenges that may arise.

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Maximising Your Tax Returns 

In this guide, we'll explore what tax returns entail, the process of e-filing, and how maximizing deductions, such as contributions to a medical aid, can enhance your tax returns.

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Credit Score and Why They Matter

You should think of your credit score as your personal flag (or badge) indicating to potential creditors whether you are a valuable or risky client. 

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