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Five Ways Entrepreneurs Can Manage Burnout

Written by Admin | Nov 30, 2022 8:00:00 AM

On any given day you wear many hats and manage a huge amount of tasks. Burnout is a real danger for you. So how do you recognise the signs of burnout which include stress, low energy, lack of motivation and irritation? If you feel any of these things, it may be time to take certain precautions to manage burnout.

1. Figure out the root cause

Managing burnout starts with understanding the source of the struggle. This begins with asking important questions like “when and where do I find myself feeling more overwhelmed?” and “does my schedule really work for me?” Probing questions like these will help you find the cause of your burnout. Often burnout is caused by problems in your routine and so taking the necessary steps to ensure a balanced lifestyle will be very helpful. This may take the form of eating well, sleeping enough, reducing tasks, delegating and reducing work hours. Relaxation techniques can also be very helpful in managing any sense of overwhelm.

2. Make time for your own needs

Now this one may be easier said than done but if you are looking to manage burnout, a certain amount of effort needs to be redirected towards yourself. This may include things like allocating time to a hobby you enjoy, socializing with friends and family, going on holiday, or taking a night off. Creating balanced choices between what emotional resources you allocated to your personal and work life is essential when it comes to managing burnout. 

3. Rest easy

Sleep is an essential component of managing your stress levels. Often, stress can be dramatically reduced simply by getting more sleep. To help you get more sleep, begin with creating a sleep schedule and maintaining good sleep hygiene and routines. Remove devices from reach, create a calm and restful environment, exercise regularly and avoid caffeine after 5 pm.

4. Just say “no”

This one may require a bit of practice, but entrepreneurs need to carefully manage what they say ‘yes’ to.  What you want to try to avoid is taking on too many additional tasks and then having too many things to deal with. This begins with carefully considering if a task really needs you or if it can be delegated. While removing yourself from certain tasks may feel difficult at first, once you start to see that things happen well without you, it will feel quite liberating.

5. Concentrate on time management

As an entrepreneur, it’s essential that you manage your time wisely. If you find yourself skipping lunch or working very late, you might already be in some trouble. A healthy schedule includes taking time off and understanding when to lean in and when to lean out. In fact, when done well, good time management actually recharges you.

The bottom line

Entrepreneurs are used to juggling plates. Often they thrive on it, and get excited by the buzz but then don’t understand when they actually need a break. So while reading through these five points, consider honestly if you are guilty of tipping the scales in favour of your business but to the detriment of your mental and physical well-being. If you recognise yourself in any of these scenarios, carefully implement a few meaningful changes into your schedule and you may bounce back surprisingly fast. Ignore the signs… and not only will you suffer the consequences, but without a clear head, your business may suffer as well.