Your hotel’s landing page is a vital point of contact between you and potential guests. This is because it is the initial point of visibility between visitors and your brand, between the clicking of your business advert and published links. The first page that loads following a click on one of these links is called a landing page. This differs from your website’s home page and other service links. In the case of a hotel’s landing page, it is specifically built for follow-ups, bookings, deals or important signup info exchanges like newsletters. So how can a well-managed landing page increase business and help your hotel thrive?

Landing pages help grow your business

Landing pages function like click-through marketing. Your visitors are linked through this landing page to your main business page. If you create a successful landing page you can convince a new visitor that your service or offering is worthwhile and that your facilities are worth their investment. This increases the probability to convert a customer visit into a sale. The key to this success is that your landing page needs to be populated with interesting content that makes the visit helpful to your target audience.

In this way it doesn’t matter what type of business you have, a successful landing page encourages conversations and translates to paying customers. A good conversion rate is around 9.7%. In fact, if you populate your landing page with other useful info like images, social content, video and customer reviews you can actually increase this conversion to 12,5%.

How do you know when your business needs a landing page?

There are key times when a strong landing page is a master move for your business and can be a catalyst for growth. A landing page is best used when combined with a strong business strategy aimed at getting leads, calls to action and driving sales. In this way, at the very least, every hotel should have a strong landing page with a button to ‘book’ a room. But as mentioned above this needs to work in the context of a strategy in order to really drive success. This might be aimed at getting specific bookings, getting customers to take advantage of an incentive or securing a package.

Advantages of landing pages for hotels

1. Landing pages have a strong focus

A website has many points of focus which can distract the visitor from finding what they are actually looking for. In this way websites can be quite cluttered. So a landing page cuts through all the noise and directs the customer to a specific task like booking a room or taking advantage of a specific seasonal offer. 

2. Landing pages help create marketing funnels

The key to your marketing strategy is using funnels. Funnels guide your customer along the sales journey and aid in lead generation, redirection to landing pages and upselling. When you have each of these individual pages ready, you can then run a targeted campaign that links pages and guides your customer toward making a purchase. It also enables you to re-market your offers to previous guests who have shown interest in your products. In this way, you don’t necessarily need to do anything too extravagant to entice customers to grow your hotel business. 

3. Landing pages can be tested

Any marketing strategy needs to be tried and tested in order to understand if it’s successful. Here you strategize, test and optimize your plan. A good way to test is to make use of the A/B test or ‘split test’ to see if your landing page is set to be a success. Here you create two landing pages and direct equal amounts of traffic to each of them. Now watch and see which one converts leads more successfully. Important elements to include on your final landing pages are call-to-action buttons, and headlines, and be sure to pay special attention to the length of the copy.

The bottom line

A landing page is a crucial marketing tool that (when executed well) will convert leads and grow your hotel business. This is also a really cost-effective way to drive leads, it can be tested at various stages and re-used when found to be successful. So if you’re in the hotel business, there is no time to waste. Work landing pages into your marketing strategy and then watch as those leads and sales grow. 

New call-to-action
New call-to-action


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