Like any profession, sales will always shift and change with the times. While the core of selling goods or services will remain constant, the way in which this is done will morph according to developments in the environment and customer demand. So what are the key trends affecting your sales departments now and how can your business shift to improve sales in the coming year?

1. Demos should sell the problem, not the solution

When you demo a product, you may think it wise to highlight how the product works and promote all the bells and whistles which accompany it. While this is certainly useful, it has its limitations. In fact, people will be far more interested in what you have to offer if you can sell the product through the lens of it meeting their needs. The trick is to uncover what your client really cares about, and what problem they are suffering from and then show them how your product aligns with their thinking in order to get a better result. Find that hook, and you will convert the customer. 

2. Quality relationships will need a multi-touch approach

It is very unusual to make a sale the first time you make contact with a prospective customer. Rather, sales occur along the journey of multiple touchpoints by using different forms of contact to interact with your customer. In the long term, your relationship with your customer is going to be built on many meaningful consecutive interactions. This often includes a warm telephone call and nurturing follow-ups like email, video, WhatsApp and social media engagements. This will then stack your interactions and create a meaningful impact that will hopefully lead to a stronger relationship and ongoing sales. 

3. Specialisation resonates stronger

When you try to appeal to everyone, the opposite actually happens and you land up resonating with no one. This is because by focussing on a tighter niche you succeed in customising your product offering and you really tighten up on your communications. Custom messaging brings real engagement and with this comes a higher chance that you will be able to attend to the customer’s needs, as they instinctively understand that you will be a good fit for them. 

4. Free trials start the conversation

Today’s culture likes to try before they buy which is why free demo packages are so appealing. People often court a product by first using the demo features, and then once they find it useful, they will decide to invest in the full paid option. The psychology behind this is that the demo process nurtures the new relationship, giving the customer a taste of what a more invested engagement will feel like. So where possible, a good option is to offer a free trial or consultation, to whet appetites, get you noticed and let the customer test the relationship out. 

5. Sales culture should be front and centre

While trends come and go, having a winning sales culture in your business is always important. This involves having a good sales rep employee persona, ensuring your HR recruitment process is of high quality and efficiency, and providing a supportive sales environment. This is an ongoing priority and when done right, will establish a strong sales culture that can generate sustainable growth.

The bottom line

While sales will always be an important aspect of any business, the way in which it is executed can shift with the times. This is why it is crucial that your sales team are always aware of what the customer is needing, so you can plug into that trend and angle your offering accordingly. So to invest in your sales department strategy, contact Merchant Capital to fund your ambitious growth. 

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